Help support us! We happily accept donations!
If you would like your donation to support a specific program, please note that in the memo field on your check. If you are donating via PayPal and want to support a specific program, please complete our contact form and let us know.
Please send a check to:
Mountain View Charity
PO Box 2825
Idaho Falls, ID 83403-2825
Prefer PayPal? (PayPal will charge a 2.2% transaction fee.) Please use the link below.

Make A Donation
You can make a big difference. We help people in southeastern Idaho whose lives have changed in profound ways due to health crises or people who want to change their lives through education and public service. With you, we can accomplish so much more!
Please volunteer your time, talents, and resources, and know that they will be well spent.
Donate your time and talent
We would love to have your help. Please let us know what help you would be willing to offer, and we will match you with local people and charities
Donate resources
100% of all funds donated will be used in the Southeastern Idaho community. Donations are completely tax deductible. You can designate how your money will be spent and given a detailed accounting of the lives it changed.
Mountain View Hospital generously provides funding to cover any administrative costs of this charity.